Forum Auto Links
Hello everyone.
We recognise that Australian Migration can be a complicated process with many different subclasses and Acronyms you might not have encountered before. For those who have read more about our story, you’ll also see that we launched our first website, Getting Down Under, in 2006.
In this time, we have posted over 3000 articles and guides, many of which help explain some of the key processes associated with a move down under.
This week, we have rolled out a feature that auto-links certain keywords to some of our guides for getting down under. Not only does this help us ‘self-pollinate’ some of our content, but the intention is that it will also provide quick and easy access to our members and visitors visiting our forums to further information about terms they may not be familiar with.
We are flagging this as you might find that if your question includes one of these terms, such as ANZSCO or subclass 494, you will find that a link will automatically be added to your post when you post it.
This is the intended action, and we hope you find the addition content we are linking to useful as you continue on your Australian migration journey.
Any questions, comments or feedback – please let me know.
All the best
A little about us Our Story G’day and thanks for dropping by! It’s fantastic to have you here, and we’re genuinely excited to share a little about our journey a
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