Home Forums Doing It Job Search & Sponsorship meat inspector

  • Mark


    March 9, 2025 at 8:54 pm

    Hello there Xolisani. Thank you for introducing yourself and welcome to Oz Visa Forum.🙂

    As a Meat Inspector, you may be eligible for a Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482) if you can secure employer sponsorship.

    Your occupation falls under occupation code ANZSCO 311311 (Meat Inspector) and is listed on the Australian Regional Occupation List (ROL). This means you can only be sponsored for a TSS 482 visa in a regional area of Australia.

    To find employers offering visa sponsorship, check out https://482jobs.com – this is another one of our websites and all jobs listed there confirm visa sponsorship. You can also explore:

    Seek: https://seek.com.au

    Indeed: https://indeed.com.au

    LinkedIn: Search for Australian meat processing companies that hire sponsored workers.

    Since Meat Inspectors are on the ROL, you may also have pathways to:

    Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494)

    Permanent residency via the Regional pathway (subclass 191), after meeting eligibility requirements

    Many meat processing plants operate under Labour Agreements, which may provide more sponsorship opportunities.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further guidance.



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