Search Results Extended to member profiles
Hello everyone. As we continue to grow, we’ll tweak and improve the functionality of our website.
1 week since launch, we now have over 600 members ☺️ and valuable data across our user profiles. We have extended our search criteria to include this data.
Say, for example, you want to search for the term Accountant.
Before todays change, searching through our main search option would bring you all the forum discussions containing the term “accountant.”
Now, we have included user profiles in our search options, this will bring up forum posts with Accountant AND all users with Accountant as an occupation mentioned in their profile (simply scroll down on click the members tab at the top of the search results to view matching member details)
Our hope is this will help you identify and connect with other members on the same migration journey as yourself, which should enrich your experience here on our website 🤗
What about Privacy
It’s worth noting that only members who have chosen to make this information public will be included in our search results.
You can choose which fields to display to other community members through your profile privacy settings here.
Finally, if you would prefer a more targeted search across our member base to identify people to connect with, you can do so here.
You can filter members by location, visa class, or occupation on this page. As our community grows, we hope this feature becomes even more helpful, enabling you to identify and connect with users from the same country and occupation who are applying for the same visa class as you. ☺️
Thanks for reading, and we hope you find this helpful update.
Search Results for “Accountant” – Oz Visa Forum
Search Results for “Accountant” – Oz Visa Forum
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