Thomas earned 10 community points 2 weeks ago
Replying to a forum topic -
Thomas replied to the discussion How is everyone enjoying the site? in the forum Site Suggestions and Feedback 2 weeks ago
How is everyone enjoying the site?
Mark I love it. It’s actually one of the best resources I’ve ever seen on the Australian migration subject in all my years of wanting to migrate.
I’d say though, is there a “DM” feature, which I could direct message you, or someone specifically? If there is one, then I’m just a bonehead who can’t find the feature, but I think it would be a good addition.
Thomas earned 10 community points 2 weeks ago
Logging Into Oz Visa Forum today! -
Thomas earned 10 community points 4 weeks ago
Logging Into Oz Visa Forum today! -
Thomas replied to the discussion Relocation possibilities in the forum Visa Options & Pathways 4 weeks ago
Great reply and great info Mark.
Emmanuel, if you have any questions, let me know as I’m in the same field of work as you
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